Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pulau Aman

Satu hari lagi yang membosankan..

Apa lagi..jom la gi jalan2..kali ni ak pergi ronda-ronda ke Pulau Aman.Pulau Aman terletak di Bukit Tambun. Akhirnya hasrat untuk pergi ke Pulau Aman terlaksana setelah sekian lama mendengar perkataan Pulau Aman dari buah mulut orang sekeliling.Aku pergi ke sana bersama 3 orang rakan yang lain.Aku,Naz,Amy dan Bulah.Kami pergi menaiki kereta dari rumah Bulah ke Jeti Kuala Musang.

Tiba di sana lebih kurang pukul 12.45 tengahari.Kami terus menaiki bot yang telah disediakan di hujung jeti.Bayaran bot untuk ke sana ialah RM 6 ( pergi dan balik ).Perjalanan ke sana mengambil masa sekitar 20 minit ( teka saja).Sampai saja di sana kami mengambil peluang untuk bersiar-siar di sekitar perkampungan nelayan.

Hasrat untuk merasai mee udang di sana terus dilaksananakan.Kami terus menikmati mee udang di satu-satunya restoran terapung terdapat di situ.Mee Udang di situ memang sedap.Harganya juga berpatutan.Makan time~slrrpppp.

Sesudah makan kami terus ronda-ronda sekitar perkampungan.Suasana perkampungan di situ memang aman.Jauh dari kesibukan dan percemaran kota.Pulau Aman juga meyediakan pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti seperti jungle trekking,camping,berkayak,memancing, dan lain2.Mereka juga menyediakan chalet untuk disewa sekiranya pelawat ingin bermalam.

Pulau Aman juga di kelilingi oleh pulau-pulau kecil seperti Pulau Gedung.Untuk melawat keindahan pemandangan sekitar Pulau Aman dan pulau di sekitar,pelawat boleh menyewa bot yang dipandu oleh pemandu pelancong.Overall pulau ini memang best.Kami bertolak pulang pada pukul 3 petang dengan hati belum puas.InsyaAllah aku akan kembali ke sini lagi.:)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Bungee Jumping....awesome!
but i don't get any chance to do that.This extreme activities must be done at least one in my entire life..inshaallah

Bungee Jumping is one of my dream activities since kids.
I hope someday i would do bungee jumping.And i heard that there is one at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park? really?? i would love that..

Friday, May 21, 2010

Penang National Park

Boring! boring! boring! what to do?? so i decided that i should get out of my house.So my friends and I went for hiking and having fun at Penang National Park.Still Thom,Arefiq Pedro,Nazrul Adnan n Me (Van) go by there by motorbike.Seems to be a long hectic ride and it worth when we finally arrived at the entrance.U know what the entrancee is free! awesome..

There are many people there including a bunch of kids from a school trip.Although the entry is free we must register ourselves at counter to redeem tickets.Ticket checks! Let hike!

We headed to Pantai Kerachut ( beautiful beach ) but before reached we must jungle treking about 2 hour. Make sure that u people bring a lot of water.So hectic journey.

Pantai Kerachut is a beautiful beach.Seriously i never seeing a beautiful beach like this before even at Perhentian Islands.Before we step at the beach we must through Meromictic Lake.The lake is so unique.It has two layers of freshwater and saltwater that never mix together.
Discover the weirdity of meromictic lake.

So we decided to having fun in the refreshing.The view of the beach and ocean is breathtaking.After get out of water we headed to Teluk Kampi ( the end place of this National Park) situated not far from Pantai Kerachut.At there we can visit Turtle Conservation Centre that open free from visitors.There are many informations about turtle,their habitat and their threatened life.This centre also conserves many turtle eggs in many shelters that prevent from predators.We were so lucky because we could saw eleven cute baby turtles that were displayed at that time.

After we finished visited we decided to go back by boat.The boat fee was RM 10/person.It was quite expensive but it worth because it was quite a long ride and many unique rock formations and eagles can be seen.Two thumbs up!.

We finally reach the entrance and we left with a lot of experiences and joy. :)

Get A Map

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hutan Lipur Sungai Sedim

Hutan lipur Sedim terletak berdekatan dengan Kulim,Kedah.Hutan Lipur ini terkenal oleh pelancong dari dalam atau di luar negeri Kedah.Hari ni ( 10 May 2010 ) aku dan Nazrul pergi melawat Hutan Lipur Sedim.Kami pergi bertujuan tuk bermandi-manda dan melawat keindahan hutan semula jadi di sekitar.Perjalanan dari rumah Nazrul dari Padang Menora( Pulau Pinang)ke sana agak meletihkan ( nek moto katakan ). Sampai saja sana rasa macam nak mandi ja.Pikir punya pikir kami pergi dahulu ke Tree Top Walk

Tree Top Walk.
Tree Top Walk merupakan salah satu tarikan pelancong yang datang ke Hutan Lipur Sungai Sedim.Tree Top Walk adalah 950 meter panjang dan merupakan titian yg terpanjang di Malaysia.Di sepanjang titian anda dapat melihat pelbagai species flora dan fauna yg terdapat di dalam hutan tertua ini.Berada pada ketinggian 50 M anda juga dapat melihat keindahan sungai yang mengalir deras di celahan batu-batuan besar.Pasti ianya akan menjadi satu pengalaman yang menarik apabila anda datang ke sini.

Lepas bersiar-siar di sekitar Tree Top Walk, kami terus mencari spot yg best tuk mandi.Memandangkan bukan pertama kali aku datang ke sini aku mencadangkan tempat yg pernah aku mandi suatu ketika dahulu.Tempat tu tidaklah seberapa best tapi cukuplah nak berendam dan mandi-manda.Airnya subhanallah..sejuk bangat!haha.Enjoy!

Agak lama jugak kami kat situ, lepas tu kami mencari dan berpindah ke tempat yg mana tau lagi best!memang nasib kami baik hari tu kami jumpa port best.Di situ airnya tidak begitu deras dan tempat tu tidak banyak batu.Apa lagi dushhhhh....terjun!

Kebanyakan masa habis dengan melakukan terjunan demi terjunan.*Hadoiii letih jugak terjun dari batu ni.Agak badan dah sejuk beku kami berhenti mandi dan nek tukaq baju.Puas hati mandi kat sini tapi x puas hati nak mandi lagi.Apakan daya badan perlu berehat walaupun hati belum puas.Kami pergi meninggalkan Hutan Lipur Sedim dengan seribu satu kenangan.
Harap2 Hutan Lipur Sedim ni masih dalam keadaan asal sepertimana aku lihatnya hari ni 20 tahun akan datang.InsyaAllah akan ku datang ke sini lagi.

How to go there
From kulim
Find a way to Kulim Hi-Tech Park- Sg.Kob- Karangan- Selarong Panjang.
At selarong Panjang you will meet T-junction, turn left will lead you
to Kg Sedim. then go along the road until the next T-junction , turn right.
Another one T-junction turn left and follow till end of the main road. From
here you will be on right way to Sungai Sedim.. just follow the signboard.Get Map!

Activities that must do

Extreme water adventure
Whitewater rafting
and more!

Outdoor Adventure
Bird watching
Jungle Trekking
and more!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Insya Allah

This song is always reminds me about our Creator(Allah).Really nice melody.


Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way
By: Maher Zain

Video & Lyrics Information
Artist: Maher Zain
Album: Thank You Allah
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Copyright: Awakening Records 2009

Download Song Here

Friday, May 7, 2010

Air Tawar Beach

Located at Besut , Terengganu, Malaysia this is the place where u can run from the crowded city and polluted environment from cities.The beach serves a beautiful and magnificient scenery along the coast without having much human activities.

Some of the scenery along the beach.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Floating Chalet

Family vacation

Teluk Bayu,Sungai Petani,Kedah,Malaysia
(Pak Ya Floating Chalet)
Suitable for kaki pancing +family vacation + natural lover